We all play to win. We want the gold medal, first place, the championship. And even if we come up short, we never quit, and always have our sights set on first place. However, in business second place is great. Even third place can be incredibly profitable. Cnet says "Google Rises at Yahoo's Expense" Bloggers declare this company is dead or that company is history. Hyperbole for catchy headlines.
Yahoo is an incredibly successful web media company. They are doing about $6.4 Billion in revenue and $1.5B in profit. Yahoo is not dead, dying, or irrelevant. Yahoo is growing, profitable, and highly relevant in their market space.
The press and bloggers like to compare Yahoo to Google and declare them dead. Google is a search advertising company while Yahoo is a web media company that also sells advertising. They are different businesses with the same revenue model. Yahoo is a distant second to Google in search traffic and advertising revenue, but it is still a great business. The stock market is adjusting to this reality.
Geoffrey Moore wrote Inside The Tornado, a fascinating book about technology marketing. Mr. Moore breaks down the competition into three classes; Gorillas, Chimps, and Monkeys...catchy names for first, second, and third. The key message of the book is that all markets shake out this way. A Gorilla always emerges...and they make the rules. A Chimp (2nd place) and Monkey (3rd place) can do really well too but must play by different rules.