As humans a goal should be to understand what it really means to be lifelong learners, and to give others the tools to accomplish this. This is not to say you need to take classes for the rest of your life, or spend twelve years in college; rather, it means that every day, through every single experience, something valuable can be gained. As a young adult I think it’s important to be able to discern between knowledge and wisdom.
Knowledge may be power, but it isn’t wisdom. To paraphrase author David McCullough, memorizing information isn’t wisdom either, and it can hardly be called knowledge. If simply recalling information were considered an education, we would be forced to memorize the encyclopedia. If you did do that, you wouldn’t be educated. You’d be weird.
Make it a point every night before you go to sleep to rattle off at least one thing (good or bad) you learned that day – something you saw, heard, read, or experienced. Such lessons are the building blocks of wisdom.